Q & A with… Clarissa Ord
What do you teach?
I am going to be teaching Hatha Yoga, Hot Yoga, Suspension Yoga, Pilates, Wall Yoga.
What’s your passion?
One thing I have been passionate about since I started my journey in yoga is sharing my knowledge of what I learn from my own body, my clients’ bodies and my teacher trainees. Anything I can bring to give my clients the excitement of learning about themselves, whether that is their mindset or their body, gives me enormous satisfaction and sense of purpose.
What has the pandemic taught you?
Take one day at a time. I have always tried to live in the moment and it is a practice that I continue to do but lockdown was definitely aided by trying to remain in the present, not looking back, or indeed too far forward!
What excites you most about the studio?
Aside from actually being able to teach people face to face again and work with an amazing team, I am really excited with the classes and courses we are going to be able to offer, and of course the lovely building. Having three studios, all with different features gives us huge scope to give our clients the best Yoga and Pilates experience.
What is your personal mantra?
“Whatever will be, will be!” It is a quote that has been coming up a lot since March 2020. Trying to pin your hopes and make something happen is absolutely necessary, however, if it does not come off, come back to what you are grateful for. This always helps me put things into perspective.
Favourite thing about Shalford?
There are so many things I like … we are very luck to live in the county Surrey and Shalford definitely epitomises the village feeling.
Any lockdown pets?
No new lockdown pets, however, our cats kept us entertained!
Who do you admire most?
People who get on with things. We all have highs and lows and I am always so amazed with those that can be in a low period, yet still offer to help or meet-up and put themselves out to make those people around them happy!
What do you eat for breakfast?
It always depends on the weather. If it is sunny, I have a fruit smoothie, usually with banana, strawberries or frozen berries. When it is rainy, I usually end up having a banana and then a piece of toast with marmalade. If it is cold, I have porridge!
Top tip for health
Drink water – this is something I find myself saying a lot – to my family, friends and clients.
What have you missed most in the last year?
Seeing family and friends and of course Hot Yoga. I even went as far to create a studio at home and I have 3 heaters going to make my room 40 degrees. It is even better with Lorna (my sister) joins me as we can get the room to 44 degrees and the humidity to 40% – perfect!!
Find Clarissa’s schedule for this week here